Holding the Seminar with the subject of ”Introduction to the rules of Intellectual Property, patent registration in Iran and international level in University of Science and Tecgnology

Holding the Seminar with the subject of ”Introduction to the rules of Intellectual Property, patent registration in Iran and international level in University of Science and Tecgnology

The workshop was held in Imam Khomeini complex of Iran University of Science and Technology on Saturday 1 September 2017 with the participants interested in intellectual property rights.

Mr. Mirdavoodi , the CEO of Rayan Law Firm, as the workshop instructor mentioned the importance of intellectual properties and its impacts on economic development. Later, the rights existing in Iran including rights of  intellectual property , the rights of industrial property , the rights of works of art and literature, exclusive right of invention, industrial plans, trademarks and geographical indications.

Later, complete explanation of an invention`s features including novelty, non-obviousness and industrial application along with clear examples was given to the participants.

Introduction of some international databases, how to use them, the applications of   Google Patent Search as well as the introduction of international patent registration system called PCT and its advantages were among the topics in this educational workshop. Moreover, Mr. Mirdavoodi answered the participants` questions. Below you can see some photos of this educational workshop.

Uni Seminar1

Uni Seminar2

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