Holding the Seminar with the subject of ”Introduction to the rules of Intellectual Property, patent registration in Iran and international level and drafting patent” in Iranian Space Research Cent

Holding the Seminar with the subject of ”Introduction to the rules of Intellectual Property, patent registration in Iran and international level and drafting patent” in Iranian Space Research Cent

On Sunday January 29th, 2017, a seminar was held in the conference hall of the Iranian Space Research Center by the participation of managers and authorities of that research center from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. This seminar was held with the prospect of the familiarization and empowerment of the scientists and researchers in the field of space about the history, rules, examples of Intellectual Property, patent registration in Iran and the globe, guideline on drafting the patent and the methods of performing advanced search on the background of the patent in world databases in the conference hall of the Iranian Space Research Centre. In this meeting, Mr. Mirdavoodi, the head manager of the RAYAN KIA as seminar instructor, presented a complete description of the topics mentioned.

It must be mentioned, at the end of the meeting, he answered the questions posed by the audience as well as those by the academic staff of Shiraz University who were attending the seminar through videoconference. Below are some photos of the seminar.

Space Seminar1

Space Seminar2

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