Educational workshop in Iran Nanotechnology initiative council

Educational workshop in Iran Nanotechnology initiative council

The workshop which was the fourth session of the educational workshop of improving the expert information was presented by Mr. Mirdavoodi in December 19, 2010.

Nano Seminar

In this session, Mr. Mirdavoodi reviewed the importance of human capitals and intellectual property in addition to explaining the services of patent registration stop of tech-market service corridor. He added,”  We suggest that research and innovation enter the intellectual property procedure as they can be employed in supporting the research and studies financially if they produce economic benefits and bring about revenue and accordingly renders the Research and Studies section needless of any financial reliance on sources outside its own system. ”Mr. Mirdavoodi considered the impact of patent registration performance on the procedure as an important role. He further added,” Under such conditions, Research and Studies section develops dynamically day by day if the importance of intellectual property is admitted.”

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